Friday, November 16, 2007

First Snowfall

Today we have our first dusting of snow here in Toronto. It is starting to feel like winter. We have been lucky this year and it has been relatively far. I have been busy writing and trying to get more work. On top of that...I am trying to spend more time with my mother. It has been nice. We had dinner there and just a few days ago we went shopping and had lunch. I have been trying to talk to her everyday...except today...we have not talked yet. Of course on top of all that I am trying to get ready for Xmas...and buy some gifts and also concentrate on the wedding next it is pretty hectic...but I am looking forward to the holidays.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Yesterday was Halloween. My boyfriend loves halloween and decorates every year. It seems to grow bigger with props and items too. This year we went out and bought some new things for decorating the front yard. It turned out really good...especially when it was all lit up. I dressed as a witch and my boyfriend as a pimp zombie type character. This year my son who is now a teenager decided to hang out with his friends, so he wasn't around. Last year he was part of the excitement and hid behind a tree in our front yard to scare the kids. We ran out of candy last year so this year we stocked up well in advance. It went really well. We had a lot of kids. We even had people come by and want pictures of the yard and us...including a journalist. Next year my boyfriend has plans to make the holiday bigger and better...with plans for our backyard....eeeekkkk. It is all about the kids...and that is the main reason we do it. Now if he could just get that excited about

Monday, October 22, 2007

Time Together

Lately I have been thinking how fast time flies. I have not seen my mother in many months. She has just separated from my father for the hundreth time, but it is good news for me. She has not been well for a long time. I have been talking to her a lot more though. Yesterday she finally felt up to a visit, so we all went over to see her. I could not believe how much weight she had lost and how frail she was looking. I was quite shocked!

She needed my boyfriend to help her empty some potters she had on her balcony. Then we looked at some old family pictures. It was a nice time. I truly hope she gets better. I really want her around for my wedding next year. I am glad we have this time to talk and be together even if it doesn't last long....

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Where Have Our Manners Gone!

The other day while leaving my local dollar store, I ran into a lovely old woman. She stopped and started talking to me about the fact that no one holds door open for others anymore. She was telling me about her days working as a nurse. I have to admit most of the story I did not comprehend. However, I did get her message. She was adamant about holding the door for others. Here was a little old lady who had more manners and common sense than most people.

After she wished me well we parted ways. I started to ponder her words. It seems that many people either have no manners, have not been taught manners, or have forgotten thier manners? It seems that everyone is just wrapped up in thier own world and could care less about others. I know that myself and my family always hold the door for others. Unfortunately, we have run into people who do not...and it is very frustrating. I think society needs to find thier manners again. How hard is it to hold a door for someone? It takes very little effort and will make you feel better and the person grateful for your effort.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

It's Not Bigger Then a Bread Box

Last week I recieved a card from the post office telling me to pick up a package. I have been ordering some things online for the wedding much to my boyfriends shagrin. I somehow got confused and thought I was picking up my wedding gown so I took my boyfriend with me not knowing how big the box might be? When we arrived at the destination we decided to have lunch first.

We went to a restaurant we have been wanting to try called Route 66. We were pleasantly surprised. In the section we sat in they had a basketball game, pool table and a stuffed toy machine. We decided to play some basketball while waiting for our food. I was actually beating my boyfriend and was happy until the tables turned and I Our lunch arrived and it was very good. The portions were big so I took the rest of mine in a doggy bag.

After lunch we did some shopping. We went to Stitches and got something for my son, myself and my boyfriend got some jeans. They have a good dollar store there and we make a point of going when we are there. Finally we went to get what we thought was my dress? When I got the package I was a little confused and could not remember what it could be? Obviously from the size of the box I didn't need help carrying it home, so my boyfriend willingly pointed out! what! It was an honest mistake!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Burning the Wick

There never seems to be enough hours in a day. I am a writer/poet/freelancer as well as a mother to a teenage son which can be trying at times. I have been with my boyfriend for 15 years now. We have had a small tabby cat for many years and a few months ago we added to our family with a dog from the Humane Society. We had no idea what we were in for. He has no basic training and doesn’t listen. We have had issues to the point of him being returned, us breaking down and him being retrieved again which is another story. I have trained him with some basics like sit, lie down, give paw and speak. My family hates the last one and thinks I have taught him to bark…which he does quite often. He also has a habit of barking when he feels he is not getting enough attention…which is quite comical, well to me anyway.

I think the effect of losing the dog had a life changing effect on my partner. He has decided it is time for us to be married. We recently visited a jeweler and picked out an engagement ring. We decided to keep it small with a few family and friends and have it here at our home in the backyard. It just seemed the most sensible and affordable and convenient option. I have already started planning. I have ordered engagement cards. I have made out the wedding invites. I have scoured the internet and made a couple of purchases. The most thrilling item I ordered was a beautiful sequined wedding dress which should arrive in a few weeks.

Then on top of all this going on I am trying to make more money through my writing. I have my regular advice column at LoveinToronto…however I find myself taking on more and more lately. I hope I am not burning the wick at both ends. I just feel that I would like to be making some money to put towards the wedding. I have already spent any profits from my clients on wedding décor. There is much more to be done and decisions to be made by me and my fiancée and to some extent my lovely son, who wants to retain his identity and not lose our family name in the whole uniting process. I hope as the day grows nearer everything will work itself out but I have already been warned that something is bound to go wrong.